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(Message #[2155~2874])
11/27[Benjamin]SEIKO MD HITS VOL.1 。V Songs of the 90s
11/27[Mike from S.C.]Re: SEIKO MD HITS VOL.1 。V Songs of the 90s
11/28[Doogie]Re: SEIKO MD HITS VOL.1 。V Songs of the 90s
11/27[Willie]Re: JUNON Magazine
11/28[Shopgirl]Big News!!!
11/28[Tim]Re: Big News!!!
11/28[Mike from S.C.]Re: Big News!!!
11/29[Benjamin]Re: Big News!!!
11/30[Shopgirl]Awaiting official announcement from Fantic/GPM
11/29[Tim]"Cosmoplitan" - Banned in Singapore
11/29[Siu Bee]New Year's Eve Big Event ~ Red White (Seiko chan, 15 times performance)
12/01[Benjamin]Re: New Year's Eve Big Event ~ Red White (Seiko chan, 15 times performance)
11/30[Mike from S.C.]Seiko In "Drop Dead Gorgeous"
11/30[Mike from S.C.]"DDG"...It Was Only 12 Seconds
11/30[Tim]Re: "DDG"...It Was Only 12 Seconds
12/02[Mike from S.C.]LE2 Arrives Today, Video Later
12/07[Benjamin]SEIKO MD HITS VOL.2 - Xmas Collection
12/09[Takachan]Remove Information
12/08[Mike from S.C.]Seiko Live Emotion 2001 Video: "The RPDD"
12/08[Tim]Re: Seiko Live Emotion 2001 Video: "The RPDD"
12/09[Benjamin]Re: Seiko Live Emotion 2001 Video: "The RPDD"
12/09[Benjamin]Seiko Live and Emotion Tour - Video Sales
12/09[Tim]Fans Gathering - SINGAPORE
12/12[Mike from S.C.]Love & Emotion Live 2001 Fukuoka
12/14[Simon]L & E concert DVD
12/15[Tim]Bon Voyage (The Best Lives & Clips) & Seiko Clips 2,3,4 & 5 in DVD format (Taiwan Release)
12/16[SgFan]Re: Bon Voyage (The Best Lives & Clips) & Seiko Clips 2,3,4 & 5 in DVD format (Taiwan Release)
12/16[Tim]Re: Bon Voyage (The Best Lives & Clips) & Seiko Clips 2,3,4 & 5 in DVD format (Taiwan Release)
12/16[SgFan]Re: Bon Voyage (The Best Lives & Clips) & Seiko Clips 2,3,4 & 5 in DVD format (Taiwan Release)
12/16[Tim]Re: Bon Voyage (The Best Lives & Clips) & Seiko Clips 2,3,4 & 5 in DVD format (Taiwan Release)
12/16[Tim]Re: Bon Voyage (The Best Lives & Clips) & Seiko Clips 2,3,4 & 5 in DVD format (Taiwan Release)
12/16[Simon]Bon Voyage
12/18[Benjamin]Amendment: SEIKO MD HITS VOL.2 - Xmas Collection
12/18[Yaji]COSMOPOLITAN Magazine
12/18[Siu Bee]Re: COSMOPOLITAN Magazine
12/19[Mike from S.C.]Re: COSMOPOLITAN Magazine
12/20[Mike from S.C.]Re: Biteki
12/21[Siu Bee]Re: Biteki
12/22[Benjamin]Re: Biteki
12/22[Benjamin]United We Stand
12/23[Daniel]Bon Voyage ... Cosmo ... Biteki
12/23[Tim]Re: Bon Voyage ... Cosmo ... Biteki
12/23[Tim]25TH December 2001
12/24[Siu Bee]Christmas and Happy Seiko New Year!
12/24[Bill]Merry Christmas to all!!
12/24[Shopgirl]Biteki, my choice.
12/24[Tim]Re: Biteki, my choice.
12/25[Doogie]Biteki,....a great choice
12/26[Shopgirl]Re: Cosmo.... a MUST-READ!
12/27[Willie]Re: Cosmo.... a MUST-READ!
12/27[Willie]Re: Cosmo.... a MUST-READ!
12/26[Simon]A Super Gift
12/28[Sibelobarkoo]Re: A Super Gift
12/28[Mike from S.C.]Further proof that Seiko should not "do a Mariah"
12/28[Tim]Re: Further proof that Seiko should not "do a Mariah"
12/28[Siu Bee]Re: Further proof that Seiko should not "do a Mariah"
12/29[Doogie]Re: Further proof that Seiko should not "do a Mariah"
12/29[Bill]Re: Further proof that Seiko should not "do a Mariah"
12/29[Mike from S.C.]Ave Maria
12/31[Daniel]Happy New Year 2002
12/31[Daniel]Happy New Year 2002
12/31[Tim]2 0 0 2 F o r e v e r S e i k o
12/31[Siu Bee]Happy New Year & 2002 Seiko Calendar for you
12/31[Mike from S.C.]Red & White and 3 Years of SMF
12/31[Siu Bee]Seiko at Red White Rehersal
01/01[Shopgirl]Kudos to NHK!
01/02[Siu Bee]Re: Kudos to NHK!
01/02[Yaji]Re: Beauty in White
01/03[Willie]Re: Kudos to NHK!
01/03[Shopgirl]Very good concert tours and Seiko Magic Lives
01/03[Shopgirl]Sony contract
01/03[Vantic]Support U!
01/03[Shopgirl]Re: Support U!
01/03[Mike from S.C.]More on the USA Project
01/03[Siu Bee]Re: More on the USA Project
01/04[Benjamin]USA, SEIKO, PAUL AND MICK
01/04[Tim]Please leave S e i k o
01/04[Yaji]Seiko's view of her music from now
01/04[Mike from Berkeley]Hello all and my views on Seiko and Shinji
01/04[Siu Bee]Kinki Kids on Guinness why not Seiko??
01/04[Tim]Re: Kinki Kids on Guinness why not Seiko??
01/05[Siu Bee]Re: Kinki Kids on Guinness why not Seiko??
01/05[SgFan]Seiko's move to Sony
01/06[Shopgirl]NHK ratings
01/06[Shopgirl]Welcome Back, Mike from Berkeley
01/06[Benjamin]Why Kinki, not Seiko
01/07[Sibelo]Re: Question
01/10[Mike from S.C.]Cosmo & Biteki Arrived Today
01/10[Siu Bee]Seiko & Sayaka at Kanda mother's funeral
01/10[Tim]100% Pure Love ai ai ai (is it really her origal song?)
01/10[Shopgirl]Seiko at the funeral
01/11[Mike from S.C.]Re: Hollywood
01/11[Siu Bee]Re: Hollywood
01/12[Doogie]English Album
01/13[Mike from S.C.]Images Stolen from My SMF Sites
01/14[Mike from S.C.]Update on Guchy's Seiko Site
01/14[Siu Bee]Re: Update on Guchy's Seiko Site
01/14[T i m]H a p p y B i r t h d a y t o SINGAPORE S e i k o F a n - L e v a n ( 14 Jan 2002 )
01/15[Tim]Specially To 'V a n t i c' - Ai ai ai
01/17[Siu Bee]Gagowarade ai Jing
01/17[koji]Re: Gagowarade ai Jing
01/17[Siu Bee]Re: Gagowarade ai Jing
01/17[Benjamin]Now I know why........
01/18[Mike from S.C.]More on Cosmo / Biteki
01/18[Santo]Re: Now I know why....
01/19[Malthus]It's Style 95 LD
01/19[Malthus]It's Style 95 LD
01/21[Siu Bee]Re: It's Style 95 LD
02/07[Malthus]Re: It's Style 95 LD
02/07[Malthus]Re: It's Style 95 LD
01/20[Benjamin]L&E Vol.2
01/21[Yun]Futari no Big Show
01/24[Vantic]Great Pictures!
01/25[Siu Bee]Re: Great Pictures!
02/01[Siu Bee]New Seiko Release to look for
02/01[Mike from S.C.]Re: New Seiko Release to look for
02/03[Benjamin]L&E Video
02/04[Mike From S.C.]Re: L&E Video
02/05[Benjamin]Re: L&E Video
02/05[Mike from S.C.]Re: L&E Video
02/06[Tim]Re: L&E Video
02/06[Mike from S.C.]Re: L&E Video
02/06[Siu Bee]Re: L&E Video
02/04[Siu Bee]Seiko Concert Tour 2002
02/06[Sibelo]Love & Emotion concert
02/06[Siu Bee]Re: Love & Emotion concert
02/06[T i m]NEW RELEASE - SINGLES & ALBUM 2 0 0 2
02/11[Siu Bee]Red White Broadcast Schedule in Hong Kong
02/13[Benjamin]Re: Red White Broadcast Schedule in Hong Kong
02/13[Siu Bee]Re: Red White Broadcast Schedule in Hong Kong
02/15[Benjamin]Photos from Hawaii
02/15[Doogie]Re: Photos from Hawaii
02/17[Benjamin]Re: Photos from Hawaii
02/19[Doogie]Re: Photos from Hawaii
02/19[Mike from S.C.]The Seiko influence continues
02/19[T i m]Re: The Seiko influence continues
02/22[T i m]Seiko has New Boyfriend ? ? ? ? ?
02/26[Siu Bee]New Song Info
03/01[Benjamin]Re: New Song Info
03/02[Siu Bee]Re: New Song Info
03/04[Mike from Berkeley]Re: New Song Info
03/08[Benjamin]Re: New Song Info
03/06[Mike from S.C.]Bad news for Seiko "Mix CD" fans
03/08[Doogie]Re: Bad news for Seiko "Mix CD" fans
03/08[Malthus]Goya CD
03/08[Malthus]Goya CD
03/09[T i m]Re: Goya CD
03/09[Benjamin]Re: Goya CD
03/10[T i m]Re: Goya CD
03/12[Benjamin]Re: Goya CD
03/10[Siu Bee]Happy Birthday
03/10[Mike from S.C.]Not Older...Better (Happy Birthday Seiko)!
03/12[Benjamin]Re: Not Older...Better (Happy Birthday Seiko)!
03/12[Mike from S.C.]Re: Not Older...Better (Happy Birthday Seiko)!
03/10[T i m]T a n j o b i O m e d e t o G o z a i m a s u
03/12[Takachan]Diamond Personality Prize
03/12[Siu Bee]Re: Diamond Personality Prize
03/12[Sibelo]Beautiful lady
03/12[Siu Bee]Re: Beautiful lady
03/12[Shopgirl]Moving Beauty
03/13[Bill]Re: Moving Beauty
03/17[Shopgirl]Re: One more of Goddess Seiko
03/14[SARI]Re: Birthday
03/14[Sibelobarkoo]Anyone can help me
03/14[Sibelobarkoo]I found it
03/15[T i m]To D o o g i e
03/16[Tim]SEIKO NEW DVD ~ Past Movie Release 野菊の墓
03/18[Benjamin]Re: SEIKO NEW DVD ~ Past Movie Release 野菊の墓
03/18[Simon]Movie 野菊の墓
03/19[Eric]Theme song
03/19[Siu Bee]Re: Theme song
03/20[Yaji]Seiko Concert Tour
03/25[Takachan]Seiko on magazine
03/25[Siu Bee]Re: Seiko on magazine
03/25[T i m]21 days Summer Concert Tour 2002
03/25[Yaji]Re: 21 days Summer Concert Tour 2002
03/25[T i m]Akina Nakamori - ZERO album -Utahime II 2
03/25[Benjamin]Re: Akina Nakamori - ZERO album -Utahime II 2
03/27[Willie]Re: Akina Nakamori - ZERO album -Utahime II 2
03/27[Siu Bee]Re: Akina Nakamori - ZERO album -Utahime II 2
03/27[Tim]Re: Akina Nakamori - ZERO album -Utahime II 2
03/29[Mike from S.C.]"Love & Emotion Videos & Photos" DVD Arrives Today!
03/29[T i m]A na ta Shi ka Mi e nai ~ M T V
03/30[T i m (^_^)]SAYAKA ~ ever since [Initial pressing only limited release]
03/31[Benjamin]Re: SAYAKA ~ ever since [Initial pressing only limited release]
03/31[Benjamin]New Release
03/31[Shopgirl]Re: New Release
04/01[koji]New Single
04/01[Mike from S.C.]Re: New Single
04/01[Benjamin]Re: New Single
04/01[Siu Bee]Re: New Single
04/02[koji]Re: New Single
04/03[Shopgirl]New CM
04/04[Willie]Re: New CM
04/04[Willie]Re: New CM
04/06[Yaji]Seiko's new TV commercial "Juku Curry"
04/07[Shopgirl]Re: Not exactly Seiko but close....
04/06[Sibelobarkoo]Thks a lot Yaji san
04/07[Simon]Young Looking
04/07[Simon]Young Looking
04/07[Shopgirl]April Update
04/07[Benjamin]Re: April Update
04/10[Mike from Berkeley]Re: April Update
04/08[Simon]What am I missing
04/08[Simon]What am I missing
04/08[Siu Bee]Re: What am I missing
04/08[Benjamin]Re: What am I missing
04/09[W]Re: April Update
04/10[Shopgirl]Re: April Update (CORRECTION)
04/09[W]Re: April Update
04/09[Simon]What am I missing
04/09[Simon]What am I missing
04/11[Siu Bee]Re: Updates
04/13[Benjamin]Re: Updates
04/13[Doogie]To Shopgirl et all
04/16[Shopgirl]Re: To Shopgirl et all
04/17[Siu Bee]Re: To Shopgirl et all
04/14[Benjamin]Concert Information
04/16[Benjamin]Seiko-Kitty MME-Akina
04/19[Mike from S.C.]Red & White
04/28[Siu Bee]The legend of idol
04/30[Benjamin]Re: The legend of idol
04/28[Shopgirl]Quick update
04/29[Siu Bee]Re: Quick update
05/07[Mike from S.C.]An Honor (and a big surprise)
05/08[Benjamin]Re: An Honor (and a big surprise)
05/09[Mike from S.C.]Sayaka Single Arrived Today
05/10[Benjamin]Re: Sayaka Single Arrived Today
05/10[Sibelobarkoo]Ever Since
05/10[Benjamin]Re: Ever Since
05/13[Mike from S.C.]Seiko guest appearance on "King Of The Hill"
05/14[Doogie]Re: Seiko guest appearance on "King Of The Hill"
05/15[Doogie]Re: Dansu
05/14[Eric]King of the Hill
05/14[Mike from S.C.]Re: King of the Hill
05/14[Mike from S.C.]Re: King of the Hill
05/14[Eric]Returning Japanese
05/15[Benjamin]Re: Returning Japanese
05/15[Mike from S.C.]Re: Returning Japanese
05/17[Yaji]Seiko's new release in the US ???
05/18[Benjamin]Seiko Call
05/19[Shopgirl]Seiko Updates. "Welcome Back" from SONY
05/19[Benjamin]Re: Seiko Updates. "Welcome Back" from SONY
05/19[Shopgirl]CNN, etc interview (Lookout!)
05/20[koji]Area 62
05/20[koji]Re: Area 62
05/20[Siu Bee]Re: Area 62
05/20[Benjamin]Re: Area 62
05/21[rendy]Re: Area 62
05/21[rendy]Re: Area 62
05/21[koji]Producers for Area 62
05/23[belinda]Re: Producers for Area 62
05/23[koji]Re: Producers for Area 62
05/21[Willie Vasana]Preorder Area 62
05/21[Willie Vasana]Preorder Area 62
05/21[Willie Vasana]King of the Hill
05/21[Mike from S.C.]Re: King of the Hill
05/21[Willie Vasana]King of the Hill
05/21[Malthus]Seiko is on TVB this Sat night?
05/21[Siu Bee]Re: Seiko is on TVB this Sat night?
05/21[Siu Bee]Re: Seiko is on TVB this Sat night?
05/22[Siu Bee]Album release delay?!
05/22[Benjamin]Re: Album release delay?!
05/23[koji]Re: Album release delay?!
05/23[Tim]Re: Album release delay?!
05/23[belinda]Re: Album release delay?!
05/23[belinda]Re: Album release delay?!
05/24[koji]Re: Album release delay?!
05/26[Shopgirl]AREA 62
05/26[Benjamin]Re: AREA 62
05/29[koji]Seiko left GPM?
05/29[T i m]Re: Seiko left GPM?
06/07[Smiley]One page ad in Billboard magazine!
06/07[Simon]BIG ad
06/08[Smiley]Re: BIG ad
06/07[Simon]BIG ad
06/08[Benjamin]Re: BIG ad
06/08[Simon]BIG ad
06/09[HIRO]out of stock?!
06/09[HIRO]out of stock?!
06/09[Shopgirl]HMV Talk Show & Jewel Box Live 2002
06/10[Benjamin]Re: HMV Talk Show & Jewel Box Live 2002
06/09[Shopgirl]New Single: Sukitena Ashita
06/10[Shopgirl]AREA 62 has ARRIVED!!!! :D
06/11[koji]Seiko's Event @ HMV
06/11[T i m]S e i k o M a g a z i n e s
06/11[Bill]AREA 62!!
06/12[Simon]Can't Find it
06/12[Simon]Can't Find it
06/12[sushi de lux]"seiko" on tower record web site
06/12[Willie]Buy Area 62 at Amazon.com
06/12[koji]Area 62 is every where in San Francisco
06/12[koji]Area 62 is every where in San Francisco
06/12[Willie]Area 62 Tracks
06/13[Benjamin]Buy more than one
06/13[Doogie]AREA 62
06/13[T i m]Seiko VS Akina is the battle over ?
06/13[HIRO]Re: Seiko VS Akina is the battle over ?
06/13[Siu Bee]Re: Seiko VS Akina is the battle over ?
06/13[T i m]Re: Seiko VS Akina is the battle over ?
06/13[BELINDA]Re: Seiko VS Akina is the battle over ?
06/14[Yun]Area62 in Sg
06/15[T i m]Re: Another Seiko Fan in Singapore ?
06/14[Yun]Area62 in Sg
06/15[Benjamin]Re: No.835
06/15[BELINDA]Re: No.835
06/15[Benjamin]Re: No.835
06/15[BELINDA]Re: No.835
06/16[Benjamin]Re: No.835
06/15[Eric]Seiko vs Akina
06/18[T i m]Album Release Date: 2002/09/04
06/19[T i m]C o s m o p o l i t i a n ~ Release on 20 June 2002
06/20[koji]Hip-O Home Page
06/20[Luke]Hi all
06/20[Tim]Re: Hi all
06/20[Tim]Japanese Movie ~ Sen-nen no Koi Hikaru Genji Monogatari
06/22[Tim]Angel Tears
06/23[HIRO]All To You
06/26[Smiley]Seiko's Official U.S. Website
06/26[koji]Anyone in Nashville?
06/26[ukki]RE:Anyone in Nashville?
06/28[Benjamin]Nashville & Honolulu
06/28[Benjamin]Area 62 - promotion?
07/03[Fumihiko]Re: promotion
07/03[Benjamin]Re: promotion
07/03[Tim]Bye ~
07/05[koji]Area 62 is #1!!!
07/05[Siu Bee]Re: Area 62 is #1!!!
07/07[Benjamin]Re: Area 62 is #1!!!
07/07[Shopgirl]StoneBridge and Area62
07/08[koji]Promotion In San Francisco
07/10[Eric]Dance mix
07/10[Joey Incognito]Area 62: One Way To Promote It
07/10[T i m]O s a k a C o n c e r t ~ Jewel Box 2002
07/11[Benjamin]Re: O s a k a C o n c e r t ~ Jewel Box 2002
07/11[Siu Bee]Re: O s a k a C o n c e r t ~ Jewel Box 2002
07/11[Siu Bee]Re: O s a k a C o n c e r t ~ Jewel Box 2002
07/11[T i m]T h a n k s
07/11[aloha]a little sad
07/11[Tim]Re: a little sad
07/12[Benjamin]Re: a little sad
07/12[Siu Bee]Seiko wrote and sing the CM song for Stuart Little 2
07/12[koji]R U ready for this?
07/18[T i m]A l l t o Y o u
07/19[Malina]Re: A l l t o Y o u
07/21[T i m]Re: A l l t o Y o u
07/20[SgFan]Re: A l l t o Y o u
07/21[Shopgirl]"Jewel Box" Turning Point (To Aloha)
07/22[aloha]Re: "Jewel Box" Turning Point (To Aloha)
07/22[Shopgirl]Re: "Jewel Box" Turning Point (To Aloha)
07/24[aloha]Re: "Jewel Box" Turning Point (To Aloha)
07/23[peach]Re: Yokohama concert tickets to sell
07/24[aloha]Ave Maria
07/26[Smiley]Album promotion in the U.S.
07/27[Benjamin]Re: Album promotion in the U.S.
07/28[Fumihiko]Breakouts for Hot Dance Music/Club Play #5 8/10/02
07/29[Benjamin]Re: Breakouts for Hot Dance Music/Club Play #5 8/10/02
07/30[Smiley]Additional chart action info
07/31[ukki]Re: Additional chart action info
07/31[BELINDA]Re: Additional chart action info
08/08[nagg]Re: Additional chart action info
08/09[Benjamin]Re: Additional chart action info
07/31[Tim]Articles ~ Area 62
08/01[Benjamin]Re: Articles ~ Area 62
08/04[SgFan]Original New Album
08/04[Antony]BREAKING NEWS !
08/04[SgFan]Re: BREAKING NEWS !
08/05[Andy]Re: BREAKING NEWS !
08/05[Takachan]Re: BREAKING NEWS !
08/05[Tim]Rumors swirl of a third marriage for Seiko Matsuda
08/05[Shopgirl]Re: Rumors swirl of a third marriage for Seiko Matsuda
08/05[Tim]Re: Rumors swirl of a third marriage for Seiko Matsuda
08/06[Mike from S.C.]Re: Rumors swirl of a third marriage for Seiko Matsuda
08/06[Shopgirl]Re: Music
08/06[Siu Bee]Re: Music
08/06[koji]Re: Get Serious guys!
08/06[Shopgirl]Re: Get Serious guys!
08/07[Benjamin]Re: Music
08/07[Siu Bee]Re: Music
08/07[Doogie]Seiko & Shinji
08/07[Tim]Re: Seiko & Shinji
08/08[Willie]Amazon Carries Area 62
08/08[Shopgirl]Re: Amazon Carries Area 62
08/08[HIRO]Re: Amazon Carries Area 62
08/08[nagg]Re: Amazon Carries Area 62
08/08[Shopgirl]Re: Amazon Carries Area 62
08/11[Benjamin]Moving up the charts
08/14[nagg]Re: Moving up & whoops down!!
08/12[Tim]To ShopGirl
08/13[Yaji]Re: To ShopGirl
08/13[Tim]Re: To ShopGirl
08/13[Tim]Re: Area62
08/13[SgFan]Re: Area62
08/13[Benjamin]Re: Area62
08/21[Hikaru Fan]Re: ??
08/21[BELINDA]Re: ??
08/21[Shopgirl]A little reminder to me
08/22[Benjamin]Re: A little reminder to me
08/22[Mike from S.C.]Re: A little reminder to me
08/26[Siu Bee]Re: A little reminder to me
08/21[aloha]anyone near Hiroshima?
08/23[Simon]Shopgirl is always right
08/23[Simon]Shopgirl is always right
08/23[Eric]talent and tools
08/23[Doogie]Re: talent and tools
08/26[Shopgirl]Re: eXtra
08/27[Mike from S.C.]Re: eXtra
08/27[Shopgirl]Re: eXtra
08/27[koji]Re: eXtra
08/27[Shopgirl]Re: eXtra
08/28[Smiley]Finally ... Billboard chart debut this week
08/28[Shopgirl]Re: Finally ... Billboard chart debut this week
08/28[Benjamin]Re: Finally ... Billboard chart debut this week
08/30[Smiley]Seiko is in the U.S. now!
08/31[Mike from S.C.]More on Seiko In The U.S.A.
09/02[Malthus]All To You Promotion 12"vinyl
09/02[T i m]Live Video ON SALES !!!!!!!!!!!
09/03[3707]chart info
09/03[BELINDA]Check this out
09/04[Benjamin]Scheduled to debut in Billboard?
09/05[Smiley]Re: Scheduled to debut in Billboard?
09/05[Benjamin]Seiko in American TV
09/05[Smiley]Re: Seiko in American TV
09/05[Smiley]Re: Seiko in American TV
09/06[Mike from S.C.]"King Of The Hill" Rerun Watch
09/09[Simon]Alert!! King of the Hill
09/09[Simon]Got it!
09/10[Doogie]Re: Got it!
09/10[Shopgirl]It is #48 in Billboard!!!!
09/10[Benjamin]Re: It is #48 in Billboard!!!!
09/11[Smiley]No. 1 in Chicago!
09/14[Benjamin]Re: It is #48 in Billboard!!!!
09/13[eastvillage]all to you promotion
09/15[Benjamin]Finally...Area62 in HK HMV
09/16[Tim]Re: Finally...Area62 in HK HMV
09/17[nagg]All to you Promo Vid
09/18[Benjamin]Re: All to you Promo Vid
09/24[Smiley]No. 37!!!
09/25[Benjamin]Re: No. 37!!!
09/25[Tim]Seiko Famous in China ?
09/25[Siu Bee]Re: Seiko Famous in China ?
09/26[koji]Re: Seiko Famous in China ?
09/26[Siu Bee]Re: Seiko Famous in China ?
09/26[Simon]Seiko in China
09/27[Smiley]Re: Seiko in China
09/28[Benjamin]Re: Seiko in China
09/29[Malthus]Re: Seiko in China
09/29[Malthus]Re: Seiko in China
09/28[Benjamin]Comment being heard!
09/29[Shopgirl]Re: Comment being heard!
10/05[Eric]All to You
10/06[Mike from S.C.]"Partners" On "The Movie Channel" in October
10/07[Shopgirl]Re: Partners
10/07[Mike from S.C.]Re: Partners
10/07[Tim]To Siu Bee & Seiko Fans
10/07[Siu Bee]Re: To Siu Bee & Seiko Fans
10/08[Willie]RE: Partners
10/08[Mike from S.C.]Re: Partners
10/08[Shopgirl]It's #29 .... and still going
10/09[Benjamin]Re: #29 and movie
10/09[BELINDA]Re: #29 and movie
10/11[Mike from S.C.]Re: #29 and movie
10/09[pinkmozart]new album release
10/12[Andy]Re: new album release
10/10[Smiley]Jun Magazine
10/10[Shopgirl]Re: Jun Magazine
10/11[Smiley]Re: Jun Magazine
10/10[Tim]Seiko Matsuda "The ComeBack" This Madonna of Japan hits us with her new album area62. Edgier than the Seiko you池e used to seeing..
10/11[Smiley]No. 11 in Greece!
10/13[Shopgirl]Re: No. 11 in Greece!
10/15[citron]Re: No. 11 in Greece!
10/15[citron]Re: No. 11 in Greece!
10/11[Mike from S.C.]"Fatal Blade" on "Showtime Extreme"
10/12[Benjamin]Movie list
10/13[Benjamin]We thank you Seiko
10/13[Tim]Re: We thank you Seiko
10/15[Shopgirl]It 's #19!!!!!!!
10/20[Fumihiko]Re: It 's #19!!!!!!!
10/20[Shopgirl]Re: It 's #19!!!!!!!
10/16[Shopgirl]Hip-O records
10/16[Shopgirl]Hip-O records
10/16[Benjamin]Hip-O records and 100 Seikos
10/17[Shopgirl]Re: Hip-O records and 100 Seikos
10/17[Benjamin]Re: Hip-O records and 100 Seikos
10/20[Shopgirl]Re: Hip-O records and 100 Seikos
10/17[Mike from S.C.]Re: Hip-O records
10/17[Benjamin]Yes! Billboard Online! No. 19!
10/18[Hiro]"All To You" remix?
10/18[Siu Bee]Sennen no Koi (thousand years love)
10/19[Yaji]Seiko Matsuda Concert Tour 2002 Jewel Box
10/20[Shopgirl]Re: Seiko Matsuda Concert Tour 2002 Jewel Box
10/21[Simon]Let's go together
10/21[Tim]Seiko Jewel Box DVD Cover
10/21[Shopgirl]Special 2003 CountDown Osaka Live
10/23[Benjamin]Billboard peak
10/23[Fumihiko]Re: Billboard peak
10/24[Malthus]Seiko's MV
10/25[Benjamin]Down to #22
10/26[Fumihiko]Re: Down to #22
10/30[Benjamin]Nothing to be sad
11/04[Siu Bee]Seiko will not appear in this year's red white
11/05[Mike from S.C.]Re: Seiko will not appear in this year's red white
11/06[Siu Bee]2003 Seiko Area 62 Calendar
11/07[Benjamin]Re: 2003 Seiko Area 62 Calendar
11/07[Siu Bee]Re: 2003 Seiko Area 62 Calendar
11/06[P. Oliveira]Seiko, Congratulations !!!
11/07[Smiley]still going strong
11/08[Siu Bee]Seiko Matsuda Kimono
11/08[Siu Bee]Re: Seiko Matsuda Kimono
11/14[Siu Bee]Re: Seiko Matsuda Kimono
11/14[Siu Bee]Re: Seiko Matsuda Kimono
11/17[Benjamin]Video order
11/19[Fumihiko]Next promo from Area62!!
11/19[Shopgirl]Re: Next promo from Area62!!
11/21[Fumihiko]Re: Next promo from Area62!!
11/20[Eric]Just for Tonight
11/21[Fumihiko]Re: Just for Tonight
11/20[Shopgirl]Single cut release
11/20[Benjamin]Re: Single cut release
11/20[Shopgirl]Re: Single cut release
11/25[Malthus]Just For Tonight
11/25[Malthus]Just For Tonight
11/25[Malthus]Review on Area 62
11/26[Benjamin]Mike's long message
11/26[Mike from S.C.]Re: Mike's long message
11/26[Shopgirl]Re: Waiting.... Will it come?
11/26[Siu Bee]Re: Mike's long message
11/27[Yun]Jewel Box
11/28[Siu Bee]Sayaka's new movie
11/29[Doogie]King of the Hill
11/29[Mike from S.C.]Re: King of the Hill
11/30[Doogie]Re: King of the Hill
11/30[nagg]CDL To be broadcast
12/01[Shopgirl]Re: CDL To be broadcast
12/02[nagg]Re: CDL To be broadcast
12/03[Yaji]Re: CDL To be broadcast
12/01[Benjamin]Jewel Box hitting the charts
12/03[Fumihiko]Just for tonight (Track Listing)
12/03[Benjamin]Seiko on Chinese Newspaper
12/03[Shopgirl]Re: Seiko on Chinese Newspaper
12/07[Benjamin]Re: Seiko on Chinese Newspaper
12/08[Shopgirl]Re: Seiko on Chinese Newspaper
12/08[Shopgirl]Nice nice....nice calendar 2003 :)
12/12[Yun]Kaze dachinu
12/15[nagg]Re: Kaze dachinu
12/16[Yun]Re: Kaze dachinu
12/16[Shopgirl]Wishing an unlikely wish
12/21[Mike from S.C.]"Just For Tonight" arrives at Tower
12/21[Benjamin]Re: "Just For Tonight" arrives at Tower
12/24[Benjamin]Xmas CD
12/24[Tim]Christmas Tree
12/24[Malthus]Merry X'mas !!!!!!!!
12/25[Bill]Merry Christmas!!
12/26[Countdown]Seiko countdown live part
12/31[Yun]New Year Ahead
01/04[Benjamin]Happy New Year
01/05[Shopgirl]CountDown 2002-2003 Live in Osaka
01/07[Willie]Re: CountDown 2002-2003 Live in Osaka
01/11[Shopgirl]Illegal pics of Live
01/09[Benjamin]Re: Single
01/11[Eric]Club play
01/13[Tim]COUNT DOWN LIVE PARTY 2002-2003 ~ DVD Release ?
01/17[Benjamin]Seiko enters Top 10
02/02[Benjamin]Eve in Summer Dress
02/06[Simon]Fatal Blade
02/06[Simon]Fatal Blade
02/06[Siu Bee]Re: Fatal Blade
02/06[mandy moore]Finally hits the chart
02/07[Benjamin]Re: Finally hits the chart
02/11[mandy moore]Re: Finally hits the chart
02/20[Siu Bee]Re: Finally hits the chart
02/23[mandy moore]billboard dance
02/26[Benjamin]Re: billboard dance
02/27[rendy]Re: billboard dance
03/02[Shopgirl]Can you spot it?
03/05[Shopgirl]Re: Tea
03/05[Shopgirl]Re: Tea
03/06[Siu Bee]Re: Tea
03/06[Simon]Seiko Suite
03/07[Malthus]Re: Seiko Suite
03/06[Benjamin]Billboard dance?
03/07[fumihiko]Re: Billboard dance?
03/07[Shopgirl]Re: Tea
03/08[Siu Bee]Re: Tea
03/08[Shopgirl]Re: Tea
03/10[Siu Bee]Re: Tea
03/08[Simon]Seiko Suite
03/10[DT]Happy Birthday!
03/10[DT]Happy Birthday!
03/10[Tim]TANJOBI OMEDETTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
03/10[Yun]Happy Birthday
03/11[Siu Bee]Call for participation
03/12[Doogie]Re: Call for participation
03/15[Benjamin Lee]Re: Call for participation
03/16[Shopgirl]Seiko's message 2003
03/17[Doogie]Re: Seiko's message 2003
03/17[Mike from S.C.]Re: Seiko's message 2003
03/17[Siu Bee]Re: Seiko's message 2003
03/17[Benjamin Lee]Seiko's message 2003 and billboard dance
03/18[mandy moore]Re: Seiko's message 2003 and billboard dance
03/27[Benjamin Lee]billboard dance
03/28[fumihiko]Re: billboard dance
03/28[Benjamin Lee]Re: billboard dance
03/24[Tim]New Singles..............
03/30[musicollect]Seiko & other Japanese artists collectible records
04/03[Siu Bee]Glico Cooked Curry CM ~ on air on 10 April
04/09[Simon]Cheap bargain
04/09[Benjamin Lee]Re: Cheap bargain
04/10[mandy moore]billboard dance
04/12[fumihiko]Re: billboard dance
04/11[Shopgirl]Call me
04/12[Siu Bee]Re: Call me
04/12[Mike from S.C.]Time for "Unplugged" Phase 2?
04/13[Benjamin Lee]Billboard Dance
04/14[Siu Bee]Sorry but another disappointment
04/15[Vantic]Bad Bad Taste
04/15[Vantic]Bad Bad Taste
04/15[Tim]I fainted !!!!!!!!!!!
04/16[Shopgirl]For the wrong reason Tim...
04/16[Yun]Lets be fair
04/16[Siu Bee]Re: Lets be fair
04/16[SgFan]Re: Lets be fair
04/16[Mike from S.C.]Why Shinji's Still Around
04/17[Vantic]2 cents worth of fairness
04/18[Benjamin Lee]Be positive & new ranking in Billboard
04/18[Eric]N America
04/18[Benjamin Lee]Re: N America
04/18[Shopgirl]Venice Magazine write up
04/18[Shopgirl]Venice Magazine write up
04/19[seikofan]Just don't buy it
04/19[seikofan]Just don't buy it
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