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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko's Hey! Hey! Hey! appearance
Date: 2000/07/15 16:10:34

Hi everyone,

I just posted the first set of pictures from Seiko's performance on Hey! Hey!
Hey! on SMF...when I first started posting messages here three years ago, I
always used to ask "Why doesn't Seiko appear on Hey! Hey! Hey! and Music
Station?" Over time I learned the history, and I'm glad that Seiko is back to
having a "high profile" on all of the popular J-shows.

For those of you who haven't seen it, in the introductory segment she brings a 
birthday gift to Hama, one of the hosts. These are the pictures in part
one. Part two will be her performance of "20th Party" from the show. It was a
great appearance, and the audience went wild when she was introduced. I've seen
many Seiko performances, but I don't know...there was something in the smile on
her face that I haven't seen before, perhaps a sense of "coming home" or the
warm greeting from her fans. If you have access to the rental tape of this 
show, I strongly encourage you to watch it!

Best regards,
