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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: One more country Seiko-ized!!!
Date: 2000/08/17 07:27:41

Hi everyone,

I have a visitor here today at work from our office in Australia. He noticed
the Seiko pics I have on the wall, so I pulled up Real Player and SMF and gave
him a brief audio-visual "grand tour" of her career!

Add Australia to the list of countries that have been Seiko-ized! 

Best regards,


PS: I found a very cool free download on's called Planet Clock. You
can have multiple small digital clocks on your desktop for the time zones you
specify. I have one for West Coast USA and one for Tokyo! It's great, it's 
free, check it out by going to the following URL and typing "Planet Clock" in
the search box: