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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Fan Magic
Date: 2000/09/07 11:41:18

Last time I talked about the Seiko Magic, 
this time I'll tell you about the magic of the fans. 
I got a first hand look at this phenomenon.
These are people who are professionals- banker, pilot, businessmen. 
But for the brief 2-3 hours, they become Seiko Groupies. 
They come from different parts of Japan, and Japan is not a small country. 
Some had to catch the midnight train back home and work the very next morning. 
As soon as the concert is over, they get on the cell phone to various webmasters 
and call in a report of the concert. By the time I get back that night, the concert 
highlights were on the net. I did a little "hanging out" with some of them, they don't 
care that I don't speak Japanese, Seiko was the common language. 
Some made various Seiko items such as signs, headbands, shirts. 
Some girls dressed like Seiko. 
These people love  Seiko, and Seiko loves her fans.
I met fans from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and of course Canada. 
People lined up before and after the concert to buy concert souvenirs.
I was lucky, I was the 5th person in line to make my purchase, but then I arrived
at Budokan at 2PM for a 7PM concert, I watched the setting up of the souvenir booth, 
I heard the sound check from outside, I watched security people being instructed- probably
telling them to watch out for possible crazy canadian fan rushing the stage(Right, Doogie?).
Another highlight was visiting Seiko's shop Flawless Seiko. 
I never thought I would be standing in that shop, I have known about it for many years. 
In my heart I wished Seiko would visit her shop since she was in town to do the show anyway. 
Seiko has a line of casual wear that is very popular. 
Anyway, Tzing is right, one concert does not do justice. Now I understand why these Groupies 
follow her tour, every show has its highlights, its flavour, its magic. The show on the 30th is 
rated among the best by many, I am just glad to be a participant in this Seiko Magic Show.