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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Single and album release on Sept 27th
Date: 2000/09/20 08:15:03
Reference: msg/01601

Hi Alvin (^^)

Thanks for the correction... Personnally I wouldnt mind even if it is 6 tracks,
or even 3...if there is a total re-recordign of the vocals part... if it were
the case of the last remix where only the music parts were remixed, er... it 
would indeed be disappointing.

PS. have you seen the back jacket cover of the CD? It is really nice.

The coupling song is reeeeeeeeeeallllly good...
I would go crazy for that single for that song....(^^;;;)
Seiko's vocals are fully and well utilised in there, and it makes the song 
stirs up emotions... .... (for me only?!??) (^^)
