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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: The Right Combination!!
Date: 2000/10/27 08:45:07
Reference: msg/01646

Hi Yaji, you are right, it is there on the page you recommended.
Trinity, what country do you live in?  I recommend the original version
if the price to get it to you is about the same.  Let me know.  :)

Date:10/26/1998. Trinity 's message 

>Thanks guys,
>Well, I am looking for the album called SEIKO that has The Right combination song 
>I do have the right combination mp3 but I am looking for the rest of the songs
>from that album
>Sorry for the misunderstanding!!!
>By the way DOOGIE, I know it is very cool to have the original one
>but I have been looking that forever and I could not find any
>so I decided to accept the copied one :-(
>Please let me know how we can complete this transaction
>Thanks for your inputs guys
>Date:10/26/1998. Benjamin 's message 
>>Yaji is right.  You can find the 'Seiko' CD with 'The Right
>>Combination' in