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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: True Love Stroy
Date: 2000/11/13 12:51:49
Reference: msg/01672

Hi Benjamin,

Although I like also "True Love Story", my preference will be given more to
"Sayorana no Kiss o wasunerai".

I heard some of my friends not very like the "Eternal Mind", Mmmmm...
Well, may be someone will say I am bias (especially my husband), I think it is
quite difficult for me to say I dislike which Seiko Song.  Instead, may be
"like it a little less than the others" is more suitable.

From "Eternal Mind", I like all the songs, but more on "Samui Yuru".  I know
this one is one of the favourite for most of the Japanese fans as well!

Meanwhile, after Vanity Fair, can you forget "Forever"?  I agree some of
the releases after Vanity Fair would have less surprise, but it doesn't 
mean they are not good!

Anyway, I know everyone is looking forward "The sound of Fire" (^_^)

Siu Bee