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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: The "Official" Green Park Music Seiko Site
Date: 2000/11/15 02:09:53

Hi everyone,

Taka-san posted the URL for the "official" (and Japanese-only) Seiko Web Site,
produced by Green Park Music. Here it is for those of you who didn't see it in
the chat room:

It's a straight copy of the Avex Web Site format with a few differences...albums, 
singles, live dates,'s basically a catalog. All of her CDs, videos,
etc. are there with small thumbnail photos of each and a list of song titles.

Nice to have, a good source of information, currently lacking a "personal" feel,
better than no "official" Web Site at all...

I guess my reaction is that I expected more because it is Seiko...because I've
lived in the world of the Seiko Webmasters and see the talent and passion and
creativity and wanted more than a catalog of Seiko's "products" on her own site.

There is an e-mail form on the site...maybe they will share visitor comments with
Seiko, maybe not. 

That's all, I'll be quiet now and let the rest of you post your opinions...:-)

Best regards,
