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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko Matsuda 2001 Calendar
Date: 2000/11/15 16:25:25
Reference: msg/01679

Siu Bee, is great to have you back in an active role on the "Seiko Web."
The calendar is beautiful!

Best regards,


Date:11/15/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Dear friends,
>It has been long long time that Seiko has not released any
>To make everyone a happy 2001, I am pleased to present my 
>Seiko Matsuda St.Reet 2001 Calendar to all my friends and all the
>Seiko fans, no matter I know you or not!
>(Note: this will only be published for a limited time)
>Hope everyone enjoy and a happy 2001
>Siu Bee