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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: 2001 Concerts - YEAH BABY!!!!!!!! Long Live SOF.
Date: 2000/11/16 06:56:17
Reference: msg/01683

Hey Doogie,

No...:-( Wish I could, though...It WILL happen some day...

Why do you think I want Seiko's career to go on "Forever" I can finally
have the chance to see her! It's for purely selfish reasons...:-)

Have fun at the concerts everyone...without me...sob sob...:-)

Best regards,


Date:11/16/1998. Doogie 's message 

>Hey Jim,....  count me in.
>If Seiko does have a summer tour, I'll be there for sure!  And hopefully
>with Simon (yeah dude!) and Siu Bee (Sai Mui) and of course we can't 
>forget about Tzing,....the craziest Seiko fan I still have yet to meet.
>Your daughter is such a lucky girl!
>See you all at SOF'01.........   hey Mike,.. you going too?