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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Japanese Seiko Web Sites in Netscape 6
Date: 2000/11/22 04:20:19
Reference: msg/01699

Hey Doogie,

Yes, it's GREAT...

One thing I didn't realize don't need to install Netscape 6 to
use it (you simply get the convenience of it being a pull-down option in your
browser that automatically loads the URL on the GIST site).

IE users (and previous Netscape version users) can simply go to (this is where you are transported to from
Netscape 6). You will have to manually type or paste the URL for the page you
want to translate.

Using IE Explorer, I had the Web Site translate the "Welcome" page of SMF
into Spanish:

"Mi nombre es Mike DeAngelis...Welcome a SMF! 
Actualización pasada: 20 de noviembre 2000."

VERY, VERY COOL. With Japanese, since the rules of grammar and syntax are quite
different, you will see some translation results that make absolutely no sense
at all...but I loaded Taka-San's Japanese version of this Forum and was able
to grasp the general meaning of all of the posted messages!'ve gotta love it.

Best regards,


Date:11/22/1998. Doogie 's message 

>Hi Mike!
>Thanks for the info....   people like you and I can really use something
>like this.  :)