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Name: koji <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Listen to the Sound of Fire
Date: 2000/11/27 14:02:52
Reference: msg/01708

Thank you, Siu Bee.  

You can visit
to listen to "December Morn" and "Christmas Turned Blue".

To listen to "Kiseki no Okiru yoru" and
"The Sound of Fire", please visit

I love Carpenters songs.  They are classic!


Date:11/27/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Dear all,
>"Listen to the sound of fire" is one of the lyric sentence from "Sound of Fire".
>Select the single and click on , you can hear it!
>Siu Bee
>P.s. Once I found another site which got also "Miracle of the Night" sound clips,
>but I cannot find it again!  Anyone can help?