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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: More PopJam
Date: 2000/12/04 00:52:51

Hi Everyone,

Later in the PopJam show, the group Judy & Mary sang
a Punk/Heavy Metal-ish version of Sweet Memories(my
personal Favourite), into the first verse, Seiko came
out on stage accompanied by Gackt(he then left), she
sang the rest of the song with J & M. The show hosts,
interviewed the leadsinger of J & M before her performance
but I do not understand, but I am guessing that she is
a fan of Seiko and grew up listening to Seiko songs.
But this is the case with a lot of other Jpop stars,
or any famous persons and they usually admit it 
when they end up on the same show as Seiko. Shinji was
doing the guitar solo, he wrote the song. Needless to say
Seiko dominated air time in this show. Even before F-Blood
went on for their performance, Seiko stood there along
with the hosts, I don't know the name of the singer in
F-Blood, but he has done many TV shows and duet with
Seiko, most memoriable is singing Endless Love(Diana
Ross song)duet.
