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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: A "Seiko" in everyone's heart and amongst your loved ones
Date: 2000/12/07 00:04:56

Hi everyone,

The news hit the media this early this morning, to most it is like THE NEWS as
you sip your cup of morning coffee or while checking the weather news before  
you rush out to catch your train. It is bedtime now and while everyone is early waiting
for the official announcemnet aka press conference scheduled tomorrow Thurs
1pm JP time, tabloids, TV/Radio news and evening news are having their trip 
of the usual speculations and accusations etc. Most of which would not be 
any more surprising to us fans... as their patterns are always the same ....that
there must have been a third party or that Seiko is this or that ...whatever.

So far, the only official statement from Seiko had been
"...My career focus had bought me to spending lots of time in JP unfortunately.
My husband is at an age right now where his potential is peaking and really 
expanding, and his dream is to continue with his studies in LA and build his 
career there...."

People always say Seiko has so much energy, always so strong and positive.. ..
and she can draw renewed energy with every startling incident that she shakes
the land of the rising sun (that how they usually describe Seiko's every
broken relationship and other personal or professional misfortunes). What I am 
most concerned with is how one is able to pick things up again and in
good health and spirit, after one is drained out from such personal events and
even more so under the conditions of a Super Star status which surrounds Seiko.  

I recall the 20th Party summer concert tour where she put up an truly magical
time for us fans with all her smiles and attention, ... there was a TV program
tonight and 3 radio shows last weekend too where she was her usual self yakking
laughing and entertaining the DJs and TV hosts etc.... all in the name of 
professionalism and respect for her own work and commitment to her fans, all in 
the same real time with these concerns that probably lingered deep into her 
heart, soul and mind.

A small and sincere prayer to all my loved ones who have put their worries and 
anxieties above my own with their smiles and attention always.