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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: J-media strikes again
Date: 2000/12/11 09:45:16

Hi everyone,

I was in the middle of my usual Sunday shopping trip to Kinokuniya, when I saw
one of the J-tabloid magazines (sorry, can't translate Kanji without my

ANYWAY...right in the middle of the cover is a photo of a crying Seiko in her
wedding dress, wiping tears away with a tissue. Now, those were undoubtedly
tears of joy at the time of her wedding...but once again, the J-media took an
opportunity to kick Seiko while she's down.

My wish for 2001 is that Seiko does whatever she needs to do to rise above all
of it a movie, an new album, a tour, or "quality time" for herself
and her daughter with no new "product" at all.

Taking cheap shots at her personal life is a very low form of human behavior.
I wonder how the J-reporters would feel if tragedy struck in their
lives and some grinning jackal was standing by, waiting to throw a spotlight
on it. Let's hope they never find out what it's like to be on "the other side
of the fence."
