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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Technical Difficulties
Date: 2000/12/24 07:50:21

First of all, a very Merry Christmas to all of my friends and fellow Seiko fans!

I wanted to let you know that there are "technical difficulties" at Yahoo /
Geocities which are preventing me from updating my "Seiko Matsuda Forever" site.
I currently am purchasing 50 megs of space for SMF, but their file manager is
reporting that I only have 40 megs and have exceeded my limit.

I've been writing to them daily for the last four days and received the 
following response today:

"We are aware of the problem you reported and are working on a solution that 
will be implemented as soon as possible.  We thank you for your patience and 
apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered as a result of this 

I am hoping that this is resolved quickly for two reasons: one, I purchased the
new live video for 20th Party today and am anxious to share it with you. Two,
January 3rd is the two year anniversary of SMF and I want to post something
special to thank all of you for your support.

The current situation does not even allow me to update existing files on SMF,
so this is the only notice I am able to post. I'll let you know as soon as 
the situation is resolved.

Best regards,
