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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Legendary Seiko
Date: 2000/12/31 10:25:57

Dear Fans,

I finally bought Legendary Seiko.  Although I have all the songs, 
the Discography is very detailed and separated into singles, original 
albums, collection albums, movie soundtracks (what is the 1987 one???)
and the special 'Goya' (the one I've been searching for over 10 years 
until I got the copy in MD).  The Discography include ALL CBS/Columbia 
releases & Mercury's 96 releases, i.e. Missing You.  I don't
understand why they didn't include the releases in 97-2000.  
It's incomplete.  I think CBS just don't have the resources 
to do the research for the non-CBS releases.  However, they
must have thought that 'Missing You' is so popular thatit must be 
included in the Discography.  Anyway, I give 95 points out of 100 
to this CD, but if they include all the releases up to date, it 
will be 100 points!!!

