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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Red and White, Updates
Date: 2001/01/08 00:42:15

Hi everyone

1. 12/31 Red and White
   -Seiko appeared several scenes throughout. 
   -wore a black Cinderella-style outfit during her Missing You performance
   -Hit#3 for Kansai Viewership at 59.7% (she was #1 at 54%? last year)
   -Hit#9 for Kanto Viewership at 50.1% (she was #2 at 52%?? last year)

2. 1/4 International Figure Skating Competition
   -Seiko's new single "Sound of Fire" was the theme song for this event
   -She performed with Harada's band in the middle of the ice-skating ring!
   -she looks a lot better than the pic :P
   -incidentally, national heroine skater Miss Ito who was a Olympic champion
    was delighted to have the opportunity to meet Seiko for the first time.
    In her skating career, she had skated to Seiko's Jikan Ryoko (from Supreme)
    one of Seiko's early self-written songs.
3. 1/6 LA for vacation
   -One press had a scope today...caught Seiko and Hatano transiting at   
    Kansai Airport (Osaka)from Haneda Airport (Tokyo)on their way to LA.
   -(I put this up, so that you guys could see the pix)
Wish people would know where and when to draw the line between private and 
business, and give her some peace. 

Best Wishes for the New Year, 21st Century... 21st year for Seiko.
ps. Do I still owe you guys Seiko's divorce interview translation...? (^^;;)