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Name: Alvin <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Red and White, Updates
Date: 2001/01/08 01:37:53
Reference: msg/01761

Dear Tzing and everyone

>Hi everyone
>1. 12/31 Red and White
>   -Seiko appeared several scenes throughout. 
>   -wore a black Cinderella-style outfit during her Missing You performance
>   -Hit#3 for Kansai Viewership at 59.7% (she was #1 at 54%? last year)
>   -Hit#9 for Kanto Viewership at 50.1% (she was #2 at 52%?? last year)

Seiko's Kanto viewership hits#11 both this year and last year~
In 2000 her Kanto viewership is 50.1% (#9 #10 is hitomi & Hiromi Go 50.4%) 
In 1999 her Kanto viewership is 53.6% (#9 is Godaigo 54.3%,#10 is ELT 53.8%) 
But I can't remember what her Kansai Viewership of 1999, But I can make sure that she hit Kansai #1 and Hiromi Go hit Kansai #2 (^^)