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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Red and White, Updates
Date: 2001/01/08 18:23:05
Reference: msg/01763

Hello Alvin and all,

Alvin is probalby right about 2000 Kanto viewership. (^^) Altho Seiko 
rates high in Kansai, it is usually the Kanto ratings that is thought of as the 
official unfortunately.
To recap (FYI: to reach close to 50% is considered exceptional for any artiste,
but the line-up is also a crucial factor)

1999 Kanto   53.6% Top 5 
     Kansai  5???  #1 (Ratings was higher than Kanto's #1 Go Hiromi)

2000 Kanto   50.1% #11
     Kansai  59.7% #3

Something like that lah! (^^)