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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: SMF Remix II?????
Date: 2001/01/10 01:32:11

Hi Tzing and all,

To answer your question, now is as good a time as any to announce my special
Y2K+1 surprise...

I have purchased 75 megs of space with DreamHost and registered the following
domain name:

There are no files posted yet so the URL will currently only take you to a 
blank page.

My intention...hopefully, which will coincide with the one year anniversary of
"Seiko Matsuda Forever: The Remix" (May) is to build a "companion" site to SMF.
I will keep the GeoCities site as is, built so that people with older browsers
and no plug-ins can enjoy it.

The new site will be designed to take advantage of the most current versions of
browsers, and I plan to include fun things like Macromedia Flash...

Both sites will be linked to each other so you will never really "leave" SMF...
it will be like one GIANT Seiko playground...50 megs of space on GeoCities, 75
on DreamHost, 125 total megabytes of pure Seiko fun.

Details to follow, as well as the regular updates to SMF. By the way, GeoCities
required me to update the Guestbook script...I will archive all of the May-Dec
2000 messages posted and create a second "historical" page on SMF (as I did 
with the original SMF Guestbook).


Best regards,
