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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: One More Thing...SMF 2nd Anniversary Thank You Present
Date: 2001/01/10 01:54:56

Hello again to Tzing and all,

I forgot to mention the SMF Screensaver...20 of my favorite images from SMF.
Some of the people reading this already have a copy...:-)

It is a REAL acts exactly as any screensaver you currently 
have on your system (I bought new software that allows you to create them,
with great results).

Some of the images are True Love Story, Sound Of Fire, Unseasonable Shore,
LOVE, 20th Party, Shanghai Love Song, two from Fujinkoron, and older ones from 
Sweet Memories, Bible II, Dear, Vanity Fair Live...

Available for a cost of only $0...:-)

(It is my special 2-year anniversary thank you present to friends and supporters
of SMF)

I cannot post it on SMF for download (GeoCities does not allow uploading of
anything but HTML, JPEG, and GIF files)...BUT...for the above mentioned cost of
$0 and a request sent to it can be yours. I will reply 
with the file attached.

It is a LARGE if I send it please be patient while it downloads. It
is very easy to install and I will provide full instructions.

Best regards,
