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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Me and Seiko in Mexico
Date: 2001/01/19 02:13:28
Reference: msg/01784

Simon and Tzing,
I'm still laughing sooo hard in the office,..almost p#$$*%g my pants.... 
I also get confused as being a waiter, door man, porter, priest, pro dancer and
Ralph Machio,.....I'm still laughing,...   SIMON,...a Mexican waiter..haa haa,
that takes the cake...
....and the vision of coconut pieces all over your dying smiling face listening 
to 'Pineapple'....I can just see all the stars around your head...and the 
headlines in Japan saying "Crazy Canadian Seiko fans...Are They for Real?"

Oh maaan, I gotta go wipe the tears from my eyes...   :)