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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Me and Seiko in Mexico
Date: 2001/01/19 13:08:03
Reference: msg/01786

Dear Simon, Tzing and Doogie Dai Lo,

Me too!!!  I tried to "Press" my smile down to the earth as I don't want
my colleagues to see my funny smiling face (like the way Seiko usually
does on stage...covering her mouth and smile with a "kikiki" sound)!  
I absolutely CAN imagine the scene that Simon described....hahahah....
what a funny scene.  I wonder why a serious doctor can have this 
thing in mind.  Hahaha.......

Siu Bee

P.S.:Doogie Dai Lo, I have not sent the $ out yet as I am trying to find
you some beautiful pics to send together!  Sorry!