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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Screensaver
Date: 2001/01/20 08:05:03
Reference: msg/01794

Hi Doogie,

Thanks for the comments...our goal, in which we
turn every last man, woman and child in the world into a Seiko fan, 

I had a meeting at work the other day. At the end of the meeting the 
person asked about the Seiko pics I have on my wall. He knew of her, and said
"she was HUGE in the 80s" and I said "she still is"...and gave him the URL to
SMF. If they're that impressed by the photos, wait until they hear the VOICE...

105 days until the launch of (SMF Phase III)...:-)

Best regards,


PS: I'll bet that "Strawberry Time" has taken on a whole new meaning for you,
hasn't it...:-)

Date:1/20/1998. Doogie 's message 

>As I told you before,... your screen saver is AWESOME!  The choice of pics
>couldn't have been better.
>I especially enjoy the comments of my co-workers,..."oooh",... "aaaah",... 
>"Who's that!?!"
>Catch ya later!