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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: SMF III
Date: 2001/01/22 02:14:41
Reference: msg/01796

Hi Tzing,

Thanks for your message...the countdown has begun!

As mentioned earlier, "SMF: The Remix" will remain on GeoCities. I want to keep it there for friends with older versions of Netscape, Explorer, etc, and for those who do not like browser plug-ins like Macromedia Flash.

SMF III ( will not be built ENTIRELY in Flash, but it will be used throughout the site, like the buttons on every page. I always wanted buttons that lit up when you moved the mouse over them, looked like they were clicked when you clicked them, etc. So the buttons have been done in Flash, and there will be other Flash features in the site.

Design / color scheme / etc is completely new. Tzing, you saw the original SMF on Pac Bell, so you know how much it has changed since then...I have the new Photoshop 6, plus Dreamweaver/Fireworks 4 and Flash 5, which open up whole new worlds of possibilities. It will still have the spirit of everything I've done so far, though...just "Phase III"...:-)

I also receive statistic reports from GeoCities...the majority of visitors to SMF are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and above on Windows PCs. So, if that is your setup (with the Flash plugin installed) you will be ready for the new site. I will design and test everything before posting according to these standards. (I actually have a test page out there now...everything works)...:-)

Best regards,


Date:1/21/1998. Tzing 's message 

>Hi Mike,
>"our goal, in which we turn every last man, woman and child in the world 
>into a Seiko fan, continues...:-)"
>This can almost be the unwritten code law of all Seiko-Fan haa hahaa.
>Gee, when our goal is achieved, we would no longer be the previleged minority.:( haaha
>(Bill, dont be too disappointed ok? hahhaha)
>SMF Phase III:
>Counting down from 105... but now that you have revealed your plans for
>a SMF Phase III, one day would become double a day's wait now...:)