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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Mike...Help
Date: 2001/01/24 03:20:15
Reference: msg/01806


Screen savers have the extension .scr, so the one I sent you is seiko.scr.
In Windows 95 / 98, screensavers must go in your Windows folder. The file
you received from me is a self-executing Winzip "exe" file...meaning that you
don't need a copy of Winzip on your PC to open it.
You just double-click the file, the default dialog
box comes up and confirms that the file should be extracted to your C:\windows
directory, you click OK and then you should be able to find it through Control
Pane, Screen Saver. The same holds true for Windows 98.

I have Windows 2000 at work. It appears to save screen savers in the following
directory: C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32. If this doesn't help, you should type 
"screensaver" in your PC's help menu and follow the instructions.

I'll resend the file when I get home tonight. Regarding the .theme extension,
I've never heard of it. I know that the desktop theme is your color scheme and
appearance of your windows, but screensavers should not have this extension...
it should be .scr.

Best regards,


Date:1/23/1998. Benjamin 's message 

>I am afraid that I accidentally replaced your screen saver.  Could you please send it to me again?  Sorry for causing the trouble.
>Also, other screen saver seems to be under one directory with file name
>*.theme.  Does anybody know where it is locate?
>Thanks again.