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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: 20th Party Concert DVD
Date: 2001/02/18 15:06:08

Dear All,

The DVD is divided into 3 parts, i.e. new songs, section with Harada Shinji, and Melody 80-85 and final 3 songs.  

In the first section, I like 'Rain' the most.  In the third section, 
old clips of Seiko's performance are shown in the big screen while Seiko 
is performing.  It's is amazing that to see her current performance and 
that of more than 15th years ago of the same song at the same time! 
However, I don't like the arrangement that there are intervals between 
songs.  In the old concerts, songs are connected together and the 
atmosphere was better.  

The concert was held in Yokohama Stadium.  It appears to be bigger 
than Buddokan?  Does anybody knows the capacity? 30,000?  40,000?

This is my first DVD purchase, and I'm totally satisfied with the 
purchase amid the relatively high price.  If some of Seiko fans' are 
wondering whether to buy it or not?  My answer is 'go ahead'!

Has the 'partners' been released as DVD?  Can we find in HK?

