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Name: Alvin <E-mail>
Subject: The movie "Partners"
Date: 2001/02/19 19:58:13
Reference: msg/01823

Date:2/19/1998. Tzing 's message 

>thanks for the information...Is Cinemaz only available in Asia? 
>What is your opinion about it?

Dear Tzing,

  Sorry there is something wrong in what I said before...
  It's "Cinemax-asia" play the movies "Partners"...
  Cinemax-asia is only availble in some countries of Asia but not include Japan
  About detail for Cinemax-asia, please check:
  And about my opinion for this movies...
  Ah... In fact I didn't see it completely 
  (Because I found it occasionally when I watch TV)
  So I will wait for the next time~ 