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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Simply Gorgeous (CM)...
Date: 2001/03/05 00:10:07

Hi Eric, Sibelobarkoo, Simon, Benjamin and all,

Apart from the "Brace Up Aisa, here comes Seiko" news, (^^) below are some urls 
for latest Seiko's pic.:)
Today, news hit the headlines with Seiko's return from LA. We all knwo that she 
as mopped by the press on with her ex-busband on her way to LA and shopping at
the supermarkets in LA early this year. In the past months she was busy with 
recordign and the taking of the new mail-order cosmetics CM (rumoured to have
been shot in Hawaii. Again she was caught by the press today when she returned
to Tokyo for the rehearsal of the Spring Dinner Show starting on her birthday.
This was the replies she gave. 
1. She replied that she met with Hatano-san often, but they are not together 
and are not living together.
2. SHe smiled saying that there isn't any plans about re-marrying him.
3. She is not publishing any books this March.

The Spring Dinner Shows in totality will involve 8000 audience in her 8 shows.
These shows are held in places and cities that are different from the usual 
Christmas location, and were a response to calls from the hotels to Seiko 
management apparantly.

Below are some URLs on her return

I finally saw the CM. It is nothing that we have seen before. Seiko sings a
very gospel-like arrangement of viola! Ava MAria!!! Dont knwo if it would be 
a complete song in the album or not. All there is to the commercial is a sideview
of Seiko standing in the fields, singing the chorus line. It is driving the fans
crazy because for such a lovely and refreshing CM, it is extremely disappointing
to have the frequency of the CM runs on-air so super low and only in Tokyo...
that we think that something might be wrong?!! about twice a week?!

Here is the peep of the CM... let your imagination run :) It is really gorgeous.

New Single: Due 16th May, 
Concert Tour: From June
Best Video Clips (DVD): What can I say... the jacket is a complete disappointment
(Thanks to Alvin for URL)

That is all folks,
With regards to the possible Asia Tour, please TAKE MY ADVICE:
Go for ALL the shows there is goin to be in your country. 

saving money for Taiwan and HK Tour :)