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Name: Yaji <E-mail>
Subject: Re: On Seiko's birthday....
Date: 2001/03/13 18:54:59
Reference: msg/01855

Hi Bill and everyone,

As for Seiko, I hear she was surprised at an unexpected big birthday cake for her
coming out at the ceremony time of her Diner Show on March 10, and then she asked,
"I'm not sure, it's the one with '29' candles, isn't it?...But my real age is...?" in joke.
Finally Seiko said to the audience, "39!"("san-kyu" with Japanese pronunciation), trying to mean "Thank you".(^^)

After that, Seiko sang her new song "This is the Place"...

Yaji from F.B.Tokyo

Date:3/13/2001. Bill 's message 

>Hello everyone.
>Did anyone do anything different or special in celebration of Seiko's birthday?
>As for me, I turned the lights down low, turned on the TV/stereo, put in Seiko's "My Story" concert and played it through the stereo speakers.  All in all, it was a PERFECT evening!
>Bill (from Atlanta)