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Name: Yaji <E-mail>
Subject: Kevin wrote...?
Date: 2001/03/18 05:51:04

Hello everyone,

Do you remember Kevin as a dancer whom Seiko once worked with
in the Glorious Revolution concert tour in 1994?

I found something about him on the following site where he also mentioned Seiko briefly...

What do you think of Kevin there?

Yaji from F.B.Tokyo

>>                                       January 20, 1999
>>Okay, so I lied. Kevin's email WASN'T up by that night. It's going up right now. :)
>>Kevin wrote: well...... after finishing the movie, I started working with Michael Jackson as Asst.
>>Choreographer to Vince Patterson (whom I also assisted for the Blonde Ambition tour for Madonna)-- the first
>>thing I did for him was the Black or White video (I appear briefly as a cossack on his right arm) and some live
>>stuff. '92+'9 was mostly lots of commercials for Pepsi and a Levi's campaign with Herb Ritts, 12 or so videos
>>for various artists (Janet Jackson's "If", David Bowie's "Miracle Goodnight", George Michael's "Too Funky",
>>etc.) I did some choreography for Elton John and Thierry Mugler, and some live shows with En Vogue,
>>Whitney Houston, Prince... oh, I also worked with Ivan Dudinsky on Arsenio Hall with P.M.Dawn, he was
>>choreographing then ( with Alanis Morrisette also-- pre-superstardom, when she was still trying to be Paula
>>Abdul)....oh, a couple gigs with Cece Peniston too, Snap and Carmen Electra (back in the Prince days,
>>pre-Baywatch). I ended up working 'with' Prince for two years off and on (he hardly ever announced he was
>>watching us work-- he would sit up in the corner and then tell us by phone what he liked or didn't like). In '94,
>>after the Grammys with Salt 'n' Pepa and a couple gigs with Eternal I went to Japan on tour with this Japanese
>>Artist Seiko Matsuda-- who is the Japanese equivalent of Madonna, but has US aspirations and can be seen
>>oddly enough in Armageddon as a Japanese tourist in a NY taxi almost getting blown away by a meteor.
>>Anyways, I also sang on tour and started to learn to play drums. When I got back I did 'Showgirls' as 'Daryl'--
>>scary movie, scary role, scary dialogue-- please don't watch too closely if you do see it... afetr which I did
>>'The Bird Cage', as 'Yummee' (yes, in drag---check out the S+M heels, even MORE scary)... and then took off
>>for Italy with Luca Tommassini (who you may have seen in Evita, the Girlie Show, Human Nature, etc. with
>>Madonna) , where we suddenly became impromptu TV stars (fan club, record contract, the whole bit)-- BUT
>>I'm back now, because we are trying to do our thing here in the States first--- soooo, myself Luca and our 3rd
>>member Jamie King (from the Dangerous Tour with MJ, ex-host of MTV's The Grind, choreographer of
>>MANY great things including Human Nature, and Prince's AMA appearance) are here in LA doing our demos
>>over for an American market--- there's lots more but just ask if you want to hear any specifics... oh, I also
>>worked with Ivan on the Blood on the Dance Floor video for MJ, he was shooting handheld video for the
>>director... I speak to Kenny Ortega quite often, but I've been really bad at keeping in touch with everyone else.
>>The last I saw Michael Goorgian, he was buying my video camera to try his hand at directing... which is
>>another funny story... out there somewhere is a movie we made behind the scenes, a murder mystery directed
>>by Max and Michael. Mark David last I heard was joining some boy band in England...I last saw Trey on the
>>set of EYC's video for 'Aay Ohh Ahh' or however you say it-- I'm in the video, but I've never seen it...