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Name: Rinsuke <E-mail>
Subject: Hi,how do you do?!
Date: 2001/05/02 16:31:23

Today I introduce you the message fron my BBS.
Unfortunately,my English sentences aren't well,these are so wrong for read.
But,I have adored you for a long time.
Thank you.

Takachan's Asian tour(^ ^) ☆書いたひと☆ Antony  -1 May 2001 (Tue) 22:35:03-
 Takachan will be in Hong Kong in June. Are you planning to Hong Kong or Taiwan of this year? 
254-01. Rinsuke  -2 May 2001 (Wed) 06:05:37- 

Who's Takachan? 
"SEIKO FAN WEB SITE"'s webmaster? 
I know him. 
When I was invited his house with my friend,he cooked spaghetti and fried chicken for us. 
He is very kind and neat character. 
I adore him,and I made this website. 
I hope that I will visit Hongkong,Taiwan this year,If Seiko's asian tour is hold. 
254-02. Antony  -2 May 2001 (Wed) 10:25:37- 

Dear Rinsuke, 

Yes, you got it! Takachan is in charge of SEIKO FAN WEB SITE. First time, I got Seiko's everything from this website. I adore him so much. He is really a Seiko fan!! I will be happy if he will come to Taiwan in June 2001.