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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: "Touch The LOVE" Screensaver on SMF III
Date: 2001/05/06 04:13:34
Reference: msg/01884

Hi Benjamin,

Thank you for your kind words. SMF is the best of all worlds for me...I love doing the actual work, I am a true fan of Seiko's music, and sharing this with her very special fans means a lot to me. I hope you continue to enjoy it.

Best regards,


Date:5/6/1998. Benjamin 's message 

>Thanks for all the hard work you have done for us.
>You are really the best 'Seiko Contact' in the States
>and your wonderful work is seen by all Seiko fans 
>around the globe.
>Ganbatte Kudasai.