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Name: Yaji <E-mail>
Subject: Re: New release & Seiko you have never seen before.(^^)
Date: 2001/05/14 02:34:39
Reference: msg/01889

Hi Tzing and everyone,

Thanks for the updates, Tzing.(^^)

You can see some TV commercial photos of Seiko and her daughter SAYAKA,
comparing them on the same page of the following site...

Date:5/12/2001. Tzing 's message 

>I am lookign forward to the new single. it has been a long time since it was a
>Japanes only title.... Although the first impression from the title itself 
>reminds me of 96's anatani aitakute Missing You.

As for my first impression, 
I feel something like "I can't see anyone but you", "I only have eyes for you" etc.
So I think the title "Anata shika Mienai" is a meaningful love expression.(^^)

Yaji from F.B.Tokyo