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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Cover Of New Seiko Album
Date: 2001/05/24 13:48:46
Reference: msg/01898

Hi Tim and all,'s different. Too bad, especially after seeing the photography on the
"True Love Story" single...and the "kawaii" pics on the "20th Party" CD and
"Shanghai Love Song" / "20th Party" singles. 

Let's hope that there are some better photos inside the CD, and that they don't
follow through with the "anonymous body part close-up" theme on them all...

Best regards,


Date:5/24/1998. Tim 's message 

>Hi to all Seiko Fan,
>Mnn...... don't really like the cover.
>A little disappointing.
>Rgds / Tim