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Name: SgFan <E-mail>
Subject: Re: DVD
Date: 2001/06/06 21:54:32
Reference: msg/01905

Date:6/6/1998. Tim 's message 

>Hi Seiko Fan,
>I hope that Sony will Compile all her concert into something 
>like "Seiko's Concert 1983~2001". A limited box release.
>I guess not possible but hopeing for.
>By the way, I had just completed collection all Seiko Past LD concerts
>which cost me quite a lot. Now a little bankrupt.
>For those who are keen on buying Seiko Past LDs can write to me at:
>This e-mail is specially created for seiko fan like you.
>Tim from Singapore       * Hi Levan & Dianel (Hope you are fine} *Wink*

Hi Tim and all,

Wow, you have the whole collection of Seiko's LDs! Too bad I don't have the
money then to buy her earlier videos, those especially in the 80s and early 90s
(I was still a student then). 
Nevertheless, I am waiting for the day for Sony to revamp Seiko's complete 
video collection on DVDs. 

Sg Fan (from Singapore, of course)