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Name: Tim <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Love & Emotion Vol.1
Date: 2001/06/20 19:17:43
Reference: msg/01920

Date:6/20/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Dear friends,
>Today is the release of Seiko's new album, "Love & Emotion Vol.1"
>Any one has heard the songs?  Any comments?
>Siu Bee

Hi Siu Bee,

Will keep all update once i received the Cd in 3 days time.
In the meanwhile, pls feedback for those who had heard the New Album.
Not sure if it is good. 

Tomorrow is Starting of Seiko Concert.
Let us wish her all the best.

" SEIKO Chan .... GAMBATTE KUDASAI !!!!!!!! "   

(^ ^) Tim