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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: New Single: The story behind a FABULOUS PIECE
Date: 2001/06/24 02:56:22


The key topics covered were

Single's lyrics
-the title on came after the completion of the entire wordings were penned
-H.Shinji had fixed the first phrase of the chorus and Seiko filled in the 
rest. She said that when she heard the melody she knew that it had to be a love 
-The song is about a girl thinking about the guy whom she had broken up. Seiko 
said that it is a feelign that everyone goes through and she had wanted 
scenarios that could related to everyday life of everyday people. (Reallly, I 
must say that the lyrics is very moving and real, the wordings are simple but 
the language being so rich and the choice of words so brilliant brings out a 
deeper meaning to what it really appears to be. It was the first time that much 
time was spent discussing about the lyrics of Seiko's song and I am sure it was 
much to Seiko's delight as well to us fans... to understand her songs better 
and to see where she was comign from when she wrote this magnificient piece. If 
I were to compared this to Missing You, Missing You was more direct and 
straight to the point. This one leaves a little ambiguity but is so rich in 
emotions if one is able to interpret it another way)

Single's music video clip
-A first for Seiko to have it taken outside the studio environment. Much to 
many people's surprise, it was taken in Karuizawa and not in Hawaii or foreign 
-As Seiko was writing the words to the song and when she heard the song, the 
image that the girl was in natural enviroment eg woods or forest, and having 
flash backs of her love was very strong. She discussed that with the Director 
and it ended up the way it did. .... and very nice too. :)
-Some breath-taking scenes include one with Seiko bareback (best spine I have 
ever seen of a human kind!) while you have one male hand gently untying the 
string to the clothes. It is so tastefully done as it communicated love between 
-you also get to see Seiko holding the acoustic guitar

-When asked about what she felt seeign her daughter in the CM and the short 
film that had won the highest award at Cannes recently, she had replied that it 
suddenly dawn to her that SAYAKA has grown so big already and it was strange to 
suddenly see her in a box and movie screen. 
-Seiko heartily commented that the CM prompt her to buy ice-popsicles that
SAYAKA promotes. (It is a box and contains 12 bitsize balls of different 
favouring) Seiko replied to the fans that her fav was the grape flavored one.
-When asked about whether she bought her own product hat she was endorsing (the 
dish washing detergent) she laughed saying "of course not" as although it was a 
natural instinct to go buy 10boxes of ice-pops it was mainly coz the person 
endorsing was her daughter. No one buys your own product.

JP epic
-Seiko calls her own role as a "fairy" as "spirit" sounds a little scary. (in 
FUN, the host teased her for changing the script as she liked) The filming was 
over and she said that it wasnt easy
-Not only did she have to remove her clothes layer by layer (12 in all) as she 
ran, the costume itself weighed 20kg and on top of that she had a wig that was 
really long (seems like it should reach the grounds). Accidents included a 
twisted ankle and a fallen wig
-It was Seiko 2nd time (after her first movei in 1980) where she wore 
traditional JP costume and had her hair all pulled back. HArdly is there any 
chance that such full-set and beautiful kimonos be available, Seiko was so 
excited and she had asked many people to take many photos so that she could 
keep them as her own souvenirs. At the point, the fans shouted to see the 
photos... Seiko was caught and quickly replied that there might be a Behind the 
Scene Special photo book of the movie. (Of course that was not what we wanted 
to hear..:P)
- Next was the question on the songs that she sung in the movie. Seiko said 
that it was blend of Heian((AD800s?) music to a little comtemporary beat. Again 
we asked for a recordign and she said that there is probably a soundtrack for 
release. :).... but we wanted the entire ablum to be Seiko-only Soundtrack!

Love&Emotion Vol1
-theme is summer, and vol2 will be autumn in sound.
-On her music, she hopes that people associate her music with re-energising 
oneself, that when people hear her music they would feel re-energized and 
positive to take whatever that comes

-On how she keeps getting better what she is. She says it is difficult to bear 
but it is impossible to avoid harsh critisms and personal attacks. But it is 
importnat that one does not let that effect oneself but to keep believing in 
oneself and be honest to oneself. She is grateful that her fans know her so 
well and the trust and faith is so solidly there. She says that the secret to 
that is that if she was able to keep believign in herself, and to keep that 
honesty to her fans, her works and efforts will eventually be seen through by 
the fans.
-How how one can keep her cool or get out of "depression". She says that it was 
important in her case that she had always someone to talk to in her family. It 
usually boils down to having someone you can trust fully to just listen to what 
you have to say.

That is about all the I can remember.

At the very end, when the interviewer asked her for her message to her fans. 
Normally one would expect a simple thank you line and a promo line to buy the 
new album which would end in 30sec. But today, Seiko spent several minutes... 
saying all that you would have heard at Zepp and 20th Party Concert. Then 
suddenly she realized how suddenly the entire HMV and crowd became so quiet and 
the mood so serious. It was nice, odd and funny.:P
