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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: To Mike
Date: 2001/06/25 03:13:58
Reference: msg/01933


Thank you very much for the kind words. SMF is somthing that I truly enjoy, and
it is incredibly rewarding to know that others enjoy it too. As Seiko's career
continues to grow and change, so will goal being to provide the best
"Seiko Web Experience" I possibly can. When SMF III is ready, I will post the
info here and on SMF: The Remix. I hope you all will enjoy it!

Best regards,


Date:6/24/1998. Tim 's message 

>Hi Mike,
>I am a frequent visitor of your web-site. Thanks for all the
>nice pictures and i can say it is professionally done.
>Thank you very much ! 
>We look forward to your SMF III.  Gamabette Kudasai !
>Rgds / Tim  