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Name: Tim <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Concert
Date: 2001/06/28 10:23:23
Reference: msg/01945

Hi Doggie & Simon,

Mnn..... thanks for the info. I will bring Singapore Flag to the concert.
I doubt Seiko had seen it before. 

Rgds / Tim

Date:6/28/1998. Doogie 's message 

>Hi Simon,
>Hey, I sense a bit of envy in your voice,.. haa haa, I'm right there with you bud!  Wish I was there to see this years concerts,...I still haven't been to the Budokan.  Oh well, perhaps next year.
>P.S.  Yeah, flags are a must,...especially at dinner shows.  *wink*
>Date:6/27/1998. Simon 's message 
>>Hi Everyone,
>>It seems like every summer, Seiko puts on this magical
>>show that we feel cannot get any better. But each summer
>>there is new magic. You lucky people that are going to
>>the concerts- "Knock yourself out". Flags are mandatory,
>>just ask Tzing.