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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Live 2001 Live (warning: contains conceptual details of concert)
Date: 2001/07/13 16:51:52

Hi everyone,


The show lives up to what we all know as "SEIKO LIVE MAGIC". Even with less 
extravagant props, and an average 10-13min shorter than past years' shows, the 
vocals, the sure presence of Seiko aura on stage, the mood of the 
band/dancers/crowd, the spontaneity of Seiko, her talks are so witty and funny ... 
all make this year's tour one of the very best I have seen and experience. 
sit, the entire crowd was all on their feet and dancingn along. (remember we 
are all in our 30s/40s, in working clothes....but rejuvenated..hahahhaa) 

It is different, especially the sound... You will notice a stronger Seiko. I am 
quite sure that some serious physical and voice training. The physique and 
energy is really obvious, the balance of confidence, the professionalism on 
stage and yet the relax mood and unassuming approach is superb :p
When the DVD is released in autumn (with the Vol2), save some money for very 
good speakers, big tv screens, progressive TVs... AND SOUND PROOF ROOM! :)
Don't forget to make a space to dance along, and a tissues to wipe your tears 
when you have that Seiko voice hit right into your heart :p

This 2001 Live brings back memories of 1992 Nouvelle Vague Live and what it 
represented as part of Seiko's career. 

1998 Forever was the epochx2 of RyoSeiko combination (still one of my top fav. 
altho one might be able to notice a seemingly tired Seiko who was down with a 
virus). 2000 20th Party was definitely a big celebration, a big bang of Seiko's 
entire 20years with her fans. Yes everything in the last 20 years all wrapped 
up in one big happy party. If you think you could to get a hint of what (Seiko 
Live) is to come after that from the 2000 20th Party Live, you would be 
disappointed. That is all in the 2001 2001 Live. It is hard to pin 
point exactly what it is, and it is probably still not there yet, but you can 
feel a new energy, you can feel some synergy building in the undercurrent from 
this 2001 Live. 20th Party Live was just a super ending to a chapter, 2001 Live 
is another beginning to another.

The feel is there, the special self-held pride of being a Seiko fan (or just 
one who has been touched by her vocals, by what she is, by her truth) is re-
affirmed only this time much stronger. It is perhaps not something that can be 
communicated to you the DVD, you may not be able to experience what I have what 
all 150,000people will too. 

All fans here there everywhere are the same, all wanting to hear and see a real-
live Seiko... Overseas fans wanting to come to JP for a show, and JP fans 
living in the suburban areas yearning to go for concert in the city and vice 
versa..... (being a fan in Japan doesn't necessarily equate to Seiko-
accessibility. Seiko hardly appears on TV/Radio.) It is extremely expensive and 
inconvenient to travel within the country. 

In a culture like this one, with all twisted images of Seiko, these fans are 
also looked at differently. These Japanese fans are indeed Class #1. There is 
almost no rest until you get into the hall. So many things can go wrong, 
from taking leave from work, saving enough to go a city for a show, praying 
that the domestic plan/train/etc don't dissppoint, getting a hotel room/or
making transport arrangement to rush for the last long distance (bullet) train 
back in order to go the office the next day, getting a concert ticket
(not necessary a good one too), having no emergencies at workplace.... 
all for the once a year Live event. All the hassle is really unimaginable to 
non-participants. All this from several months back, all for the 2hours. 
In a pressure cooker society, a Seiko Live is to most a very special occassion 
for them (like a special treat) and a stress relief routine too. In a culture 
like this one, it is difficult for Seiko herself even if she wanted to, to give 
more attention to one fan or another. At the Yokohama show, I saw several 
wheeled-in fans. They were placed along the walkway, but that was it. The 
2hours are precious for everyone, for various reasons. I am just happy to be in 
the same hall to see the live to see with my own eyes the stage.:p Yippeee 

Make your dream come true by experiencing a Seiko Live Magic. Double that by 
enjoying it equally with all the other fans in the concert hall. In the midst 
of all that, somehow if and when a silent eye-contact communication is made 
between what is on stage/band/Seiko and audience, NO WORDS can describe that 
euphora and happiness in your heart. A stranger to another stranger, and yet 
you know it is none of was all about having a good time with everyone 
who share the same love, Seiko & her music.

But both parties also wanting to show the appreciation to the other.

This common feeling with Seiko and the crowd brings to a higher level of a 
Seiko Live Magic.

Cheers to all fans everywhere, of all walks of life.