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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: A Special Thanks to Seiko
Date: 2001/07/17 23:09:29
Reference: msg/01976

Hi Willie,
Good grief it has been a looooong time since the last time you were "here".
Welcome back! :)

All I can say is don't wait till it is too late to experience the Seiko Live Magic.
You guys out there enjoy every note of music that Seiko sings, each of you 
probably have a song or two of Seiko's that is so special that even if it was
just it was the only piece that she would be singing, that you can hear it live
straight from the legend herself, you know that experience and memory will live
in you forever, in times of need.

There is no saying what is going to happen next year, what is going to happen 
tomorrow. Even though I say a new and different energy is emerging, that is not
to say that it equates to materialization. How often we take for granted that
the strength we had seen in Seiko and opportunities will go as they had been. 

I had been a fan since 1983, to see her on TV or to think about smelling a 
concert ticket is beyond imagination. In 1992 I saw my first Seiko Live (she
was only an ant size from where I stood). And in 2001, after 18 years, I am here
in Japan... seeing her shows a few times a year, experiencing the magic as much
as I can. I am thankful that Seiko had given me the opportunity to see her live
to see her sing not just her old songs, but her new ones too. I am thankful that
when I was finally able to pay for a ticket, to pay for an airticket, and go 
without a parent consent form (hahaha), Seiko is there for her fans. There for 
me to experience the Seiko Live Magic that is meant to be experienced and lived
in one's heart and memory.

A special thank you to Seiko (if you are reading) for your inspiration,
A special prayer to you  that you will stay in good health and in happiness.

(in memory of August 11, 20001. Yokohama Pacifico Hall. 9PM)