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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Cloud 9
Date: 2001/07/19 01:05:36

All Seiko fans,...
The last 3 messages are really all very heart warming.  To read them
brings back fond memories of my encounters with Seiko through her music and
I too had never thought that the day would come where I'd be face-to-face
with Seiko...let alone even in JP at one of her concerts...smelling the concert
ticket stub...  (that was funny Tzing)
It is a very strange feeling...being a Seiko fan for almost 13 years and I 
don't even know the translations of her songs as I don't know Japanese.
People keep asking me "Why/How can you be a fan of a performer and not know what they are singing about?"
Well, maybe it is a blessing in disguise, be able to appreciate her voice,
her music, her appearance so innocent, without knowing what the words mean..
So pure indeed!  

When I read messages, such as from Mike, who translates the song titles into
English,it is gravy on top.  It is like 
watching a movie for the 2nd time and finding new elements which make it
more interesting than the first viewing.
For me knowing that there is further meaning to her songs than just the music, and then to slowly find out those translations, it is like being on Cloud 9.
Like savoring a desert instead of eating it all at once.  :)

I'd also like the re-emphasize the magic of seing her live...  Siu Bee's
example of overcoming so many hurdles to see Seiko's concert is proof that
we fans are all so crazy,...but worth it in the end!! 

There is no question in my mind that seing a live Seiko concert is magical.  And there is no question in my mind that I'd do it all again.
The questione is "What would you do, to be on Cloud 9?"
