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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko on Hey! Hey! Hey! the U.S.A.!!!
Date: 2001/07/20 17:54:06

Hi Everyone,

I just noticed the listing on Seiko's "official" site for her July 9th 
appearance on Hey! Hey! Hey!. The program airs twice in San Francisco...on
SF Channel 26, it's on Sunday nights at 10 PM. On the satellite / cable channel
"International Channel," it is on Sundays 6:30 PM U.S.A. West Coast Time.

So...if you are one of the lucky "International Viewers" who has "International
Channel," start looking for the show NOW! The air dates in the U.S.A. are 
always later than the original Japan air date. You can also go to the Hey!
Hey! Hey! page ( and see who the guests are each
week, watch it on TV this weekend, and you'll be able to count the weeks until
the Seiko show airs. They are probably at least a few shows behind, but I urge
any of you who are interested to tune in this weekend...just in case.

If I can figure out the estimated air dates after watching this weekend's shows
(Channel 26 and International Channels always show different episodes) I will
post them here.

Best regards,
