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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Re: If you don't ask, you'll never know
Date: 2001/08/09 22:54:18
Reference: msg/02015

Hi Mike,

I picked the HTML versions first and there is no message board section.  Is it hidden some where?

I got a blank 'brown' screen after I chose Flash.

Can you give me more guidance?

>Hi Benjamin,
>When you go to the Jam & Lewis "FlyteTyme" site you can pick between Flash and
>HTML versions of the site.
>For the Flash version: you will see a brief info and then the main menu screen
>will appear. At the top you will see navigation links: click on "Message Board."
>A new window will open and you will see two choices: "The Music" and "The Demo
>Reel." Click on "The Music." If you scroll to the bottom you will see the topic
>"Seiko Matsuda" (my message). Click on "Seiko Matsuda" and my message will 
>appear in the window. Click on "post reply" at the top. They ask you to log
>in to post can pick any user ID and password you want. Once you
>do that you will get a "thank you for logging in" screen and you can post your
>It seems that the Message Board is designed in Flash, and so it only works on
>the Flash version of the site.
>Best regards,
>Date:8/8/1998. Benjamin 's message 
>>Need some help to post on the message board.  I picked 'html' and saw 'link' , 
>>'about us'.....etc.  I am lost.  Pls. help.