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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: A Seiko I've Never Seen Before...
Date: 2001/08/21 17:06:25

Hi everyone,

The thing that I enjoy most about doing both versions of Seiko Matsuda Forever
is finding some new element of her style that I've never seen before. That 
happened today, and the results are posted on SMF Phase III (look for Part One
and Part Two of "Behind The Scenes" on the "What's New" page).

Part Two is the one that really got me. It's a very, very short sequence from
one of the behind the scenes segments in "Video: The LOVE" in which Seiko is
laying down while her hair is being styled, the lights are being adjusted, etc.
She looks somewhat bored, tired, annoyed...but at the same time she has a 
magic quality. Part two has 15 photos captured from the video, and each was
treated in Photoshop to enhance this quality. All I could think of was the
wonderful old "film noir" films from the 40s...moody black & white private
detective films like Humphrey Bogart's "The Maltese Falcon" and the modern-day
tribute to that genre, Jack Nicholson's "Chinatown."

Seiko would be PERFECT as the female lead in one of those films...the wife of
a wealthy and powerful man who is "up to no good," so she hires the detective
to find out what's going on...intrigue, action, romance...I think of Faye
Dunaway in "Chinatown" and KNOW that Seiko could be just as strong, just as
determined, just as seductive, just as fragile.

Plus, it's another source of wonder for me to realize that the woman in these
photos is the same smiley-faced gypsy / cowgirl from the "20th Party" booklet.

Part One is just as thought-provoking, in a different way. I hope you enjoy
them both.

Best regards,
