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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Eternal
Date: 2001/09/03 15:33:32

Hi everyone,

I posted two scans from "Eternal" on SMF: The Remix, one on SMF
Phase III. I like them both, but the one on SMF III is a personal favorite.
Every once in a while, the right combination of "Secret Photoshop Ingredients"
adds up to a scan that stands out. The "Eternal" photo shoot has always been
one of my favorites. My "top 5" from all of Seiko's album photo shoots would be:

1). Bible II
2). 1992 Nouvelle Vague
3). Sweetest Time
4). My Story
5). Eternal

Honorable mention to Bible I...:-)

For me, these were the photo shoots that had the best, most balanced mix of
Seiko's beauty, the creativity of the photographers, and the themes chosen. I
also think that the photos on "Utopia" are some of the most striking of her
career, but the print quality on the CD is absolutely terrible. 

One of my many dreams would be for a very original and distinctive Seiko photo
album, along the lines of Noriko Sakai's "Fizz." Just a beautiful, moody, 
dream-like explosion of color and beauty. The S.I.P. photobook (I didn't mention
the whole name because Seiko disowned it) was garbage. The French photographer
who did it has ONE STYLE...I've seen his other books, he shoots EVERY MODEL
exactly the way he shot Seiko. No identity, no character. Her "Plivate Photo
Album," shot by her ex-husband, was cute and had a few standout photos, but 
there is so much potential that is being wasted. 

Look at any of the "best" Seiko photos and you'll see what I mean, such as the
one in "1992 Nouvelle Vague" where she's sitting down holding the lily. As we
have seen from the "Mine," "Fujinkoron," and "Voce" magazine shoots of the last
few years, Seiko may not be a teenager anymore, but the camera still loves her.

Okay, that's enough...back to dreaming...:-)

Best regards,
