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Name: Willie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Dishwashing CM version #2 to start on 9/3
Date: 2001/09/07 07:37:36
Reference: msg/02025


I saw the news on CNN the other day. Thank god you are OK.

We have Lion products in Thailand and sometimes they run the JP commercials dubbed in Thai. The fans might be lucky if they run this original ad in BKK, who knows.



Date:9/2/1998. Tzing 's message 

>Hi Willie and everyone,
>Household manufacturer and brand Lion (similar to our P&J and Johnsons&Johnsons
>brands) has come up with a follow-up on the dishwashing detergent "Cha-Mi V" to
>air from 9/3. As you can see from the URL, the set-up is again a comical one.
>In the commerical, Seiko is to dance and use some magic from the detergent in 
>her American 60s kitchen. 
>(Already the fans were teasing her during the Summer Tour, asking her to redo 
>the scene on stage....It is going to be so odd if she really did respond to the
>fan's request again in the Dinnershow, as it is usually a super duper glam affair... :p) 
>It was reported that she was supposed to add a "wink" in the CM, something 
>which she herself claimed that she is lousy at... But the director was very
>pleased at the first take. Piece of cake it seems.
>Don't ask me what "Cha-Mi V" means, but I guess it comes from "Charming Victory"???
>ps. Safe from Shinjuku Gas Blast