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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: A brief word about this past week
Date: 2001/09/14 14:25:40

Hi everyone,

First, my aplogies, as this is another message which is not Seiko-specific. 
Several of you have written to me regarding this week's events in the U.S.A.
As I am in California, and 3000 miles away from New York, I was physically
untouched by this great tragedy...but the emotional scars on my entire nation
run very deep. Tuesday was one of the worst days in world history. Although
I did not suffer a personal loss, the events surrounding the attacks have been
televised 24 hours per day since Tuesday morning at 6:00 AM.

I thank those of you who asked about my well-being, and request that if you can
find room in your thoughts and prayers for the victims and survivors in New
York, Washington and Pennsylvania, please do so.

I have posted a banner on SMF: The Remix for "", which is a 
charitable referrer organization administered by Time Warner-AOL. On SMF Phase
III you will see a banner for's page which is a secure site for 
Red Cross donations. If any of you have the desire to help, these are both
secure and reputable sites.

I will resume updates of both Seiko sites early next week. I thank all of you
for your patience and hope that you will understand that as much as I love
Seiko, my heart (and mind) have just not been focused on the sites this week. 
Tomorrow (Friday 9/14) is a national day of prayer and remeberance in the USA.
You can look for updates on both Seiko sites by the end of this weekend.

Arigato gozaimasu,
